Schedule of analyst & investor meet_30.01.2025
Intimation regarding HMTD engineering_group company
Schedule of analyst & investor meet_16.12.2024
Schedule of analyst & investor meet_29.11.2024
Schedule of analyst & investor meet_09-11-2024
Outcome of Analyst meet_06-11-2024
Schedule of analyst & investor meet_06-11-2024
Transcripts of earnings call_H1-FY 2024-25
Audio_Video Recordings of Earnings call_H1-FY 2024-25
Intimation of investor presenation_25.10.2024
Schedule of earnings call_H1-FY 2024-25
Intimation about Unit-III_21.10.2024
Intimation of Change in CIN_08.10.2024
Intimation for appointment of Auditor & director_01.10.2024
Intimation for appointment of cost auditor_30.09.2024
Outcome of analysts & investor meeting_26.09.2024
Revision in Schedule of analysts & investor meetings_26.09.2024
Schedule of analysts & investor meetings_26.09.2024
Outcome of the Analsyt meet_23.09.2024
Schedule of analysts & investor meetings_23.09.2024
Intimation of Trading window closure_23.09.2024
Outcome of the investor meet_21.09.2024
Schedule of analysts & investor meetings_21.09.2024
Outcome of the investor meet_20.09.2024
Schedule of analysts,investor meetings_20.09.2024
Outcome of the investor meet_16.09.2024
Schedule of analysts,investor meetings_16.09.2024
Newspaper publication of notice_07.09.2024
Intimation of Notice of AGM and Annual Report_07.09.2024